| ART BEYOND BORDERS Exhibition Municipal Gallery Burg Stolberg Stolberg / Germany 21 October 2001 - 11 November 2001
Internet presentation Comments: Erato Tsouvala, from Greece, reminds me at once of American representational art at midcentury and Germany's postmodern reworking of it decades later. In His Touch, a long line weaves together dynamic, rather sexy figures with the white field showing through. John Haber in New York City The poetic quality of Erato's art often depends on the fact that forces and drives of which she is unaware motivate her. Erato's paintings are a vehicle of her feelings and an expression of her loving, suffering and desiring. Manfred Peter Mueller I was impressed, especially with the very loose acrylic pieces that have a strong feeling of human form, an yet are so free and exhuberant that their energy goes way beyond the limitations of the human form. Claude Smith
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